Wednesday, 6 April 2011

April Sixth -#35

This is definitely the hardest thing ive done to date.
Meditation is no joke, its hard shit to accomplish. When they say it takes months to learn to meditate -THEY MEAN IT!
I was very excited to try it, I got all this stuff ready and everything!
I had my candles and incense burner, good cushions and meditation tunes!
My Zen Chair - ohmmm

It was going to be great!...or so I thought
It seemed to start off fine. I was concentrating on my breathing. 
Very slowly innnn, and outtttt. Innnn and outtttt. Innnnnnnnnn and outtttttttt -rinse and repeat!

Then my brain obviously got bored therefore it started to wonder.
I started noticing how itchy my body was, and let me tell you it was itchy in the worst spots like my face and head and my back! Once those areas are itchy, if you dont scratch them your done for. Anywhere else you could get away with not itching for a while but not those spots.
Then my body started getting really heavy and I was getting frustrated that I wasnt in Meditation brain anymore -mother ef!

Then suddenly there is this loud ass bark right by my fricken ear! -mushu! god damn!
So that brought me out of whatever trance I was in at this point, if I was even in one at all, and put my back at the beginning. Only also adding pain in my stomach (you no how you get this annoying pain in your tummy when you get startled and shit? ya thats what I had and it lasted for the rest of my meditation)

So I gathered myself together again and started concentrating on my breathing
Very slowly innnn, and outtttt. Innnn and outtttt. Innnnnnnnnn and outtttttttt -rinse and repeat!
I must have concentrated to hard on my breathing because I realized that I wasnt being able to take a deep breath in properly, never felt like I was getting enough air. 
I started to panic slightly, and by slightly I mean this is what was going on in my brain...
"fuck, what the hell? why am I not breathing, uhg god damn this is not supposed to be happening! omgg!"

Then my timer went off...splended

Ya, nope I would say this activity did not go as planned nor did I really succeed in it.
However I did attempt it and went the full hour -yay me

I have a new found respect for those who can actually meditate.

#35. Meditate for an hour -ohmm

Long Live Happiness!

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