Sunday 10 April 2011

April Tenth -#13

Today My friend invited me to yoga again! -bitchen.
I of course wanted to go so I did. I decided I would walk from one end of down town to the other
because well the yoga studio was down town. So why not!

We got up this morning and after a yummy breakfast of french toast and grapes, we set out starting on the edge of down town near Kensington. -im going to let my pictures do a lot of the talking in this post.

and we walked!

All the way to our destination! - the yoga passage
Now I will point out the the studio is like only 3/4ths of the full walk from one end of down town to the other, BUT we compensated by walking back to were we started - after yoga of course- and also made a detour through o'claire. So it all balances out :)

Then after a wonderful yoga session! - legit, it was the shit
We started our journey back. 
Might I add that the weather today was beyond perfect! 
- poor bike 

And that was that. What a great Sunday eh!?
Yep after that I came home and found this little surprise waiting for me to come take a little nap
Good productive day!
#13. -Walk from one end of down town to the other.

Long Live Happiness!

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